How does it work

How can you become listed at the 411 Baja Info site?? Quite simple: 1) Follow us at our Twitter Microblog 2) Either send us a direct message with an contact email address or send us direct a e-mail from the contact page. Tell us what where you like to be listed along with 200 words of content for that listing. No phone numbers or e-mail addresses please. Links to your website are ok of course. Usually it will only be a few hours that you will on the site with your listing. There is no cost to this service other then the follow on twitter. If you remove your follow we will remove at the next follower check your listing. There is no re-listing to avoid additional work for us. Again - this is a free service for all follow Baja Enterprise's.
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A few additions: This 411 Baja info resource is human edited. In fact by a, what you may want to call Baja Insider (living close to 10 years at Baja). There is the old saying "Been there - done that". We could say "Seen it - Know about it".... Based on that we will refuse listings for any typ of search engine spammer (yep, there are a few around. Self declared "marketing specialists" with xx years of experience... ).
All others are invited to join and let's make this a tool to publish your baja business name and make your at one more location findable on the net.